Emil has a pig that is very clever and can learn tricks. Emil also makes little wooden men when he is sent to a shed when he is naughty. One of the naughty things he does is lock his dad accidentally in a hut. I really liked this book.
Rated: 5/5

Zac needs to go to a strange, horror-type house. The person in the house (Big) does fake tricks. He also traps Zac. Zac manages to escape from Big in a dragonfly vehicle.
Rated: 5/5 - "I like action, that's why I like Star Wars and Harry Potter too!"
AP Lightning Readers pointed out that Zac Power was written to try and get boys interested in reading.
Jade said that apparently J.K. Rowling only used her initials and kept her identity a secret so that boys would not be put off. She wanted to get boys to read her book, too!
The magic begins (Charm Hall series) by Tabitha Black - reviewed by Harriet
This is the first book in the series. Page has to go to boarding school all year except for the holidays. Page is a new girl at school but makes friends with Shannon who is a non-stop talker - she goes on and on. A cat turns up in their dormitory and they decide to keep it even though no pets are allowed at Charm Hall.
Rated: 4/5 - "It's OK, I like it but it's not my favourite book. I do like it but it's a bit boring with not much action in it."

Geronimo's grandfather is loud and bossy and likes things 'cheap', for example he likes replacing expensive things with plastic ones. Geronimo goes to Egypt on a cheap air ticket and airline (his grandfather gives him), so he can interview a famous archaeologist. The archaeologist spits when he talks and keeps camel poo in his laboratory. They go to see a giant pyramid but get lost and the archaeologist goes into a coma ... but he is the only one who knows how to get out.
Rated: 4/5 - "Good, but not my favourite book." Recommended for 7-8 year olds.
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer - reviewed by Annabelle
12 year old Artemis is one of the 'Fowls' who were very rich and also comes from a long line of criminals. He also has a butler who is also the bodyguard/cook. Artemis' mother has gone mad because she has lost her husband. Artemis is evil and he captures Holly Short - a fairy - so he can get to the fairy gold and make his family rich again. He gets the gold, which halves when he makes a wish. Fairies can be bad too, and they get back at Artemis.
Rated: 5/5 - "I like the way his personality changes from bad to good."
Halt's peril - Ranger's apprentice, bk. 9 by John Flanagan - reviewed by Jade
There is a religious cult that are trying to takeover Hibernia. They burn, terrorise and kill as the kings of Hibernia are weak. Halt, Horace and Will, who are the Ranger's apprentice, are attacked by the Genovesan Assassins but succeed in killing them. Halt is shot by a poisoned crossbow and the healers don't know how to cure him.
Rated: 9/5!!!! - "I don't know why I like it, I just do!"