In this book the world turns into a game, where the players get one year before the aliens invade. There are dungeons, weapons and bosses to fight. The main character is 13 and he has a pet bear called Fuzzy. It ends on a cliff hanger..the dragon eggs are hatching!
Rated: 5/5 Reallys "It's really good. It catches and keeps your attention right to the end"

The main character is Katniss Everdeen. She lives in District twelve of Panam, once North America. There used to be 13 districts until 13 was destroyed because of civil unrest. The Capitol hold a game to remember the bloodshed during the rebellion. Each district is represented by two contestants, who must all fight each other to the death until one victor remains. This was the first book in the series, but now there is a prequel as well. My favourite chapter is the last one. Definitely see the films too!
Rated: 5/5 Reallys "It's a really good book, very suspenseful"

Never Say Die by Anthony Horowitz, Review by Atti
This kid named Alex goes on a mission to find his carer and good friend Jack. He ends up in Egypt and gets captured by the Grimaldi brothers.
Rated: 5/5 Reallys. "The whole series is really good"

It's about this boy who has to stay at his granny's while his parents go ballroom dancing. She always wants to play Scrabble and read books. One day he finds jewels in his granny's biscuit tin.That's when he realizes she is a gangster, and they go on a secret mission together.
Rated 4/5 Reallys "I didn't love it, it was a bit boring."

The main character is James Bond except he is still a student at Eton. One of his teachers says let's go to this really hot place, when they arrive he sees some mysterious people who are talking in Latin. Then his teacher gives him a pill and he wakes to find himself tied up in a swamp, surrounded by malaria infested mosquitoes...
Rated: 5/5 Reallys "It's a little out of touch, so much body armor"

Ned has a horrible sister Jemima who likes to collects slimy things like boogers. She prepares a Bath of Doom for Ned, which looks like a bubbly bath but is actually filled with gross, slimy things. When Ned tries to get back at her, he ends up creating Slime -and it's alive! My favourite character is the world's most lazy piano teacher.
Rated: 5/5 Reallys "Such a good book!"

Peter finds an old skull in his bedroom and calls a Secret Seven meeting to investigate. There is also a kidnapped hotel owner, and the new owners are booked out but nobody is staying there and there's a big hole....
Rated: 5/5 Reallys