This is the first book in the series. In the future, -I've been reading books about the future recently, all depressing- cities have turned into great, big mechanised creatures. All of the current technology has been lost, which is really interesting. They find out that the Lord Mayor has found a quantum energy weapon called the Medusa, and the story revolves around stopping him...
Rated: 5/5 Reallys "explores lots of interesting concepts"
Alex Rider: Secret Weapon by Anthony Horowitz, Review by AttiThis book is made up of seven short stories, which are all different and exciting. I especially enjoyed the first story and Tea with Smithers. It's maybe not one of his best books, the stories in the middle felt a bit rushed, but definitely read the first and second stories -and the last!
Rated: 5/5 Reallys
This is the first book in the series were Harry -SPOILER- finds out he is a wizard! I'm still giving it 5/5 but it's the second worst one in the series, there's too much of a focus on the Dursleys.
Rated: 5/5 Reallys
World's Worst Children by David Walliams & illustrated by Tony Ross, Review by SafiyaOne of the world's worst children is Sofia Sofa. She always lies on the sofa and eats junk food. She lies on the couch so much that she actually becomes half human, half couch. Her parents get fed up and sell the sofa, but she's stuck in it and has to go to hospital- with a TV in the ambulance!
There are five stories about boys and five about girls.
Rated: 5/5 Reallys "It's very funny, I really recommend it"
Ella Eden: New Girl by Laure Sieveking, Review by ZaraElla is new at Eden College. On her first day she accidentally insults Saskia's grandmother -the headmistress of the school! On the next day they are having an activities showcase and she signs up for the school newsletter, only to find out the editor is the sister of the headmistress. Precious things have been disappearing around the school. Ella thinks they should report it in the newsletter to guilt the person into returning them. Saskia says there was a story about one of their teachers who was in love and Ella thinks there might be a ghost...
Rated: 4/5 Reallys
Stone Raiders' Return by Michael Chatfield, Review by Aarav
The main character is a half dwarf called Dave. This book is full of wolves, elves, a massive fight and giant monster who rises up. There are grand workings that may turn everyone into barbarians...
Rated: 5/5 Reallys "This is my favourite book in this series, it's EPIC!"