Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lost ... by Bronte

I woke up on the floor with a strange cat staring at me.  Its eyes were darker than the midnight sky, but if you looked closer into its mean eyes there were red flames. I tried to get up but my feet were numb from the cold winter air. As I finally got to my feet, I had just realized I was on the ground. I looked around. Windows were smashed, books were everywhere.  Suddenly I turned around. The cat was gone. I looked down. There was a glove. It was covered in dark, red blood. Then I had a thought in my head that I wished I hadn’t thought of. 
I rushed downstairs. I yelled, “MUM, DAD! ANSWER ME!”  I heard my mum’s soft, gentle voice. I came straight to her. She tried not to get me scared. She started speaking, and then she paused. I realised something.
“Mum, where’s Sister and why is my room a mess?” “Your sister is missing.” “What?” Even though I have always hated her, there was a hole in my sad gut. I started to cry.  Tears were dripping down my face. “Why didn’t they take me?”
That day we took the glove down to the police. That’s when the search happened. That night I couldn’t stop thinking about the cat and the way it looked at me. The next morning the police came to the house looking for clues. They found some finger prints.  
That night I left a note saying that I have gone to the woods to look for Sister. So I set out for the journey. I walked into the woods. The trees had no leaves. It was like all the happiness had been sucked out. As I walked deeper it got creepier. I started to think someone was following me. Suddenly I saw a flash of a black creature with red flaming eyes. I stood there. Everything around me froze. The same cat I saw on the floor was back but it wasn’t frozen.  
I yelled out, “What do you want?” But it stayed just staring at me. I thought he was trying to tell me something. I went up to it, suddenly I heard thunder. It was so loud, it sounded like an earthquake. It started raining. Rain was falling at the speed of wind. Right then when you think nothing can get any worse, I heard a scream. It was ear piercing. Then I realised what they were screaming about. 

Lightning struck in all different directions. I tried to run but the mud was so thick I fell and the next thing I knew I woke up soaking wet and freezing cold. I got up and tried walking back thinking about a warm bath but then I thought about Sister and all the other children getting stolen or getting killed. I heard my little cousin has already been killed. I had to stop this even if it meant me losing my life. At least I was saving others. 

After two hours of walking I hit a big lush bush with berries on it. I collected some then I decided to look through the bush. There was a tent. Then I saw Sister. I snuck through the bush  I started untying her, but I felt a gust of cold air on my neck. I turned around and saw a tall scary looking man. He was wearing all black clothes. Then I looked down ... he was wearing one glove. 
I ran as fast as I could but I was too late. He grabbed my hand. I tried to pull away but he was too strong. Luckily I threw the phone to Sister in the bush. I yelled, “000.”
She knew what I meant and straight away she was on the phone with the police. But then the man saw her and started going towards her. I had to think fast. I grabbed the closest stick. I whacked it at his head. He fell down.
I asked Sister, “Are you OK?” She said, “I think I broke my leg.” I said, “Sit down. The police will be here.”
Finally they got here. They thanked us but we still had to go to the hospital. My sister broke her leg and she had a couple of scars. I had twisted my ankle and had a long scar across my face. But in the end everything was fine...
One month later the kidnapper had escaped!!

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