Its about three kids in a club called lodge and they are all geniuses. Tunde is an engineer from a little village in Nigeria, Painted Wolf can log criminal activity to give evidence to the police from anywhere and Rex is a hacker. They get invited to a game which is set up by India’s youngest CEO. They have to find out about a butterfly that keeps appearing on the screen…
Rated: 4.9/5 "I really liked it, except I would have liked a fourth character. I don’t like it when there are three characters, there could have been another engineer or coder."
Loki is the god of mischief in Norse mythology. Loki and his brother Thor are competing to be king of Asgard when Odin has died. It’s most likely going to be Thor who wins because he’s the warrior and Loki is the sorcerer. Loki is a sorcerer and everyone fears him because they fear magic. He’s super powerful because he’s a god. He’s on Earth at the part I’m up to – there are nine realms in Norse mythology. He’s on Earth as a god, with regular humans in Victorian times. He has to find a secret company called Sharp which is devoted to finding gods…
Rated: 5/5 Reallys “This is based off of real Norse mythology, I’m finding it really interesting”
About Aboriginal culture and what they did for a living before other people came. It’s about their agriculture like how the use fire, find food and what they ate and how they survived. There were lots of these comments from diary entries of a settler about them that were not true. It also talks about how they were abused during settlement. There’s another book that’s more for adults that doesn’t have the pictures and is more of a chapter book.
Rated: 5/5 reallys "I like learning about past times”
It’s about a boy called George. He lives next to his friend Annie and her dad and they have this weird magical computer called the Cosmos. It upgrades from a baby to a teenager. The computer opens up and shows them a door into the universe, and they go back in time to the Big Bang. They have a book on the Big Bang. They send a rover to Mars, but the rover just starts going in circles. So Annie and George and their annoying friend who Annie hates because he bit her Emmet, sneak off into space without telling Annie’s dad to fix the rover. Annie gets a weird message from an alien planet saying if you don’t come here we’ll destroy earth…
Rated: 5/5 Reallys “super cool, it has lots of facts about space”
It's about Geronimo, who travels to a land in his dream. The leader of silver dragons had to keep guard over a dragon egg and it was lost, if that egg is destroyed the balance of the Kingdom of Fantasy would be broken, so Geronimo must find it…
Rated: 5/5 “it’s really good”
It’s about these five teenagers who go into detention. All of them were framed to get detention. There’s this teacher Mr Avery, and if you go into his class with a phone you are doomed because you will automatically get detention. Because he checks bags. Someone frames them by putting phones into all of their bags. There’s the prom queen princess Abby, a jock Cooper, a geek Brian, a criminal Nate and a reporter, Simon. Simon is a reporter who writes about the big secrets of the people at school. They all go into detention and try to convince Avery that their phones are actually in their bags and not the ones he caught them carrying earlier. When Avery leaves the room, one of the five gets murdered. The remaining four are now suspects and must convince the police and each other that they are innocent…
Rated: 5/5 reallys “really good”

It’s about a boy called Rafe and he has a sister called Georgia. He thinks that she’s really smart. They go to Summer camp, and the girls and boys are separated. On the girls side there’s this hill called Snake Hill and on the boy’s side There’s Anthill. There’s a whole bunch of bullies on the boys side. The cafeteria is just picnic in a circle with no roof. Rafe makes a lot of friends.
Rated: 5/5 Reallys "It’s a good book so far"
It’s about a girl called Izzy, she has gotten her dream job handling horses on a TV show. The horses are palominos. It’s about more than horses though…
Rated: 4/5 Reallys “It was good but it could have had more action”
There’s three farmers and a fox that has children. Every day the dad fox gets chickens from each of their farms. Soon the farmers get sick of this and try to trap him. He runs back home but they set another trap. They’re underground. Foxes don’t have to eat for a long time, they set a trap right outside their home. They dig a hole in but the foxes are really fast diggers…
Rated: 5/5 Reallys
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