Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Calculator ABC ... by Cassidy

It was spring and time to move house. Sam, Max & Sally were walking by the old house that they were about to move into.

Max said “It’s pretty small”. “It’s spooky & dark” Sam wailed, but Sally said “it’s just an old house, don’t be scared Sam” she added, seeing the look on Max’s face, but Sam said “I can’t get rid of my fears quickly, you know that Sally”. Sally said “yes I know, but let’s stop talking, we’ve reached the school gates.” And so they had.

Sam had a troubled day at school, not like Max who came top in everything. He was so busy with his work (which was maths) that he completely forgot about the old house & not until a few weeks later when they were moving house that he remembered it.

A few weeks later Max found in the garden a piece of paper, it said; “Ms Orange saw, a fortnight ago, a yellowish light coming from the top right window of the house that the Larances just moved into” (the Larances are Sam, Max & Sally ).

He showed the piece of paper to Sam & Sally. Sally said “the top right window huh, that’s the attic isn’t it?” “Yes” said Max quietly. “I’m scared” wailed Sam. “SHUT UP SAM” roared Sally & Max.

“Mummmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyy” shrieked Sam “Max & Sally are being mean to me”.  Alice came running. “What’s the matter Sam?” “They’re being mean to me” said Sam, pointing a finger at Sally and Max.

“Firstly” said Alice “what did you do to Sam?” Sally & Max opened their mouths but were cut short by Alice. “Secondly” she began “it’s rude to point fingers at people Sam”. Sam burst into tears. “I dddddidn't mmmmmmean tto” said Sam between sobs. “I know you didn’t mean to Sam” said Alice trying to comfort him, “but that doesn’t mean you’re getting away with it” said Alice sternly, “all of you go to your bedrooms right now”.

Sally, Max & Sam were so surprised by the voice that she made that they went to their bedrooms without arguing.

Upstairs in their rooms (this was their first time in their bedrooms) they each found a piece of paper that said: “feel the walls”; They all felt the walls. It was Max that first discovered the secret passage - he found it by feeling the wall.

The calculater ABC was very close to the door (the calculator ABC is a calculator but with words instead of numbers). He typed in just for the fun of it “old Japan”, but when he opened the door he was not in London but in old Japan and then he knew the calculator ABC wasn’t just any old calculator, it was one that transported you to anywhere you wanted to go.

Quickly he typed in “London” and when he opened the door there was his room, but something strange had happened. His room was absolutely spotless. Something made his body tremble. Quickly he took a newspaper off the desk, even stranger he did not like reading newspapers and he hadn’t got a desk. He looked at the date in the newspaper. When he saw the date he nearly collapsed - it was 1324 in London. It was 2010. He was stuck in time! He saw tiny print on the calculator ABC. It said I can’t get you back to your normal time, you have to have the three diamonds to go back. Get them but you will find many dangers in your way. p.s take me with you.

Max was impressed, a calculator that can talk, he said to himself, that’s so cool. Suddenly he heard footsteps coming up the stairs, thump thump thump, and there was also a noise of wailing. It came nearer then suddenly stopped. Slowly a female head poked through the door. Max was surprised. She looked the exact copy of his elder sister Sally.

Slowly she came into the room. She said “who are you?” Slowly Max said “my name is Max”. She said “my little cousin is called Max.” “Well that it explains it” said Max. She must be the one who went out to war thought Max.

Then he noticed she was wearing a diamond in her hair and he said to the calculator ABC “is this one of the diamonds?” and the calculator said “yes”, then slowly he said “can I have that diamond in your hair?” But as Max had feared she said “no way, it's mine", then Max did the only thing possible, he snatched it out of her hair and was about to climb out of the window when a rough hand grabbed him by the shoulder. It was Eva (thats the cousin’s name). She said “where are you going anyway?” “That’s none of your business” Max said trying to get away but her grip was too strong. Finally he managed to break free and went off running down the street.

The calculator ABC was sitting on his shoulder saying “you’ve got one diamond, you’ve got one diamond”. Then suddenly he stopped. Just at that moment he said “hey you know what I think? I can get you back to your normal time." Quickly Max typed in "London 2010" and soon he was back in his own bed. It was night there and soon he was dreaming about tomorrow when he would tell Sally and Sam all about his adventures.

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