Sunday, August 11, 2013

The chicken's plan... by Tyler

Mr. Pinkerton was staring into outer space using his s.s.a.s.h.v.c.d. (supersonic sound and supersonic hearing video camera device). Just then something ZOOMED past. WHA! WHA! WHA! What was that? Mr. Pinkerton shouted in his head, as he had a look at his video. “Oh gosh it’s an alien in a spaceship,” he whispered to himself. I’d better go do some research.

“Hey hey dad,” said Sam.
“Mm hmm,” said Mr. Pinkerton.
“Can Nina come over for a sleep?” asked Sam.
“Of course she can come over for a sleep, I have something to show you two anyway,” answered Mr. Pinkerton

“Now you two look at this video I took the other day with my s.s.a.h.v.c.d,” said Mr. Pinkerton.
“According to all this I am expecting an alien invasion, do you want to do some research with me?” Mr. Pinkerton continued.
 “So sorry dad but I think you’re full of baloney, come on Nina lets go and play outside at the basketball hoop,” Sam said apologetically.

“Pass Nina,” said Sam, I want to shoot for a three pointer.”
  “Here Sam I’m passing it too you,” said Nina.
“Sam,” said Nina
 “I’m kind of worried about what your dad said,” said Nina.
“What about?” asked Sam.
“Well he’s never wrong, is he?” replied Nina.
 “No not normally,” replied Sam.
 “I think we should help him research ……. well you know just in case,” said Nina.
 “Ok good point, lets go help my dad research,” answered Sam.

“Dad we’re home,” called out Sam, “Nina and I want to research with you.”
 “DAD!” Sam shouted.
“Mr. Pinkerton are you home!” shouted Nina.
 “NO!” said a mysterious voice.
 “Who said that,” whispered Sam.
“I did,” said the mysterious voice once again.
 “BYE BYE see you later,” laughed the mysterious voice.
 “Ah Sam,” said Nina.
 “What?” asked Sam.
 “Well you’re kind of disappearing,” Nina answered.
 “I am disappearing!” shouted Sam.
“Ahhhhhh ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhh,” screamed Sam.
“So am I,” Nina replied.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” both Nina and Sam screamed.

“Where are we?” asked Nina.
 “I have absolutely no idea, it looks like some kind of prison cell” answered Sam.
“Well how about we try to get out of he….” Nina began.
“Here’s some food and by the way I am Captain Chook,” announced Captain Chook.
 “Well you sure do look like a chicken,” Sam said rudely.
“Well that’s what everybody on my planet looks like and by the way you look like a bald ape,” answered Captain Chook.
“So we’re not on earth?” asked Sam.
 “Of course not you &^%$#@!^%$#@@#$^&&%@#!!” said captain Chook.
 “Do you know how Mr. Pinkerton is?” asked Sam.
 “Yes of course he is that smart head, that’s why I captured him,” answered Captain Chook.
“He is making an invention so I can rule all the bald apes,”
 “You mean humans,” asked Nina.
 “Yes if that is what you are called,” answered Captain Chook.
 “That’s my dad you big poop brain,” yelled Sam.
“Exactly that’s why I captured you and your sister,” said Captain Chook.
 “I am not his sister, we are just best friends,” Nina said angrily.
 “Well whatever what does it matter,” said Captain Chook.

Meanwhile Mr. Pinkerton was being forced to make inventions 24 hours a day, no break, if he did stop he would be zapped by a torture laser.

“Wahahahahahahahah wahahahahahahahahah, everything is falling into place. Soon I will be master of all bald apes,” laughed Captain Chook.

'Wow I wonder why that chicken guy wants me to build an extra big supersonic laser gun,' thought Mr. Pinkerton, 'well he did say it was top secret so I don’t think I will be getting any answers.' Just then someone interrupted Mr. Pinkerton’s thoughts. It just happened to be Captain Chook himself.
 “Oh, hello what’s your name you never told me?”
 “Chook, Captain Chook, now if you want to see your son and his friend come with me,” said Captain Chook.
“They’re on the planet too!!!!????” Mr. Pinkerton said in a worried voice.
 “Well, yes, I thought you ought to see them today…..  and they might just be a little help,” said Captain Chook.

“DAD!” screamed Sam.
“MR PINKERTON!” screamed Nina.
“Hi guys.” Mr. Pinkerton said.
 “Ok you’ve seen them, now back to work, sucker,” one of Chook's assistants said.

DONE!! Mr. Pinkerton thought, now for the plan to get us out of here. Mr. Pinkerton shot a hole in the roof where the security camera/torture laser was with the gun. That’s good now no one can watch me and all the videos are deleted, Mr. Pinkerton thought.

With a bam and a bang Mr. Pinkerton, Sam and Nina were past all the guards and were searching frantically for a teleporter.
 “Pheof, here is one now, quickly let’s get out of here,” gasped and wheezed Mr. Pinkerton.

“Whof, I am so worn out,” gasped Sam.
 “Same here,” Mr. Pinkerton and Nina said.
 “What’s the time?” asked Mr. Pinkerton.
“1:55,” answered Nina.
 “WHAT!!!” shouted Sam,
“We left at 1:50 though?”
 “They must have a different time period than us,” suggested Nina.
 “I think you’re right Nina,” said Mr. Pinkerton.

“Wait a sec dad we need to go back to their planet,” said Sam.
 “Why?” asked Mr. Pinkerton.
 “Captain Chook is still going to take over the world, we need to take Chook down,” said Sam.
 “We’d better get going then shall we, I’ve got a plan,” said Mr. Pinkerton.

When they were on the planet they put the plan into action. Mr. Pinkerton was distracting the guards and Captain Chook, by firing the gun. Chook was furious so he joined in by pulling his laser gun out of his pocket and started firing it at Mr. Pinkerton, they were both completely at war.

But what Chook did not know was that Sam and Nina had stolen lots of bits and pieces of machinery to make the gun better.
 “Now we just need to find a teleporter,” said Nina.
“Here,” said Sam, “found one.”

“Run dad we got everything,” shouted Sam.
 BLAM, they were home, Sam and Nina fell in a heap so Mr. Pinkerton put them to bed.

Well I guess I get to do the fun bit, Mr. Pinkerton thought as he connected the machinery pieces with the gun. BLAM, the lonely plant blew up.

THE END......... or is it?

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