Saturday, August 8, 2015

Minecraft World ... by Mikayla

I opened my eyes and I couldn’t believe what I saw, I was in Minecraft! It was a cold winter’s day, with snowflakes falling around me. I was happy and excited, I didn’t know what to do first. Minecraft was a very weird place. Everything, including me, was made of 3D blocks in all different colors. It was very strange to see myself made of 3D blocks…I knew what I had to do first, I needed to build a house to be safe from the monsters. I built with brick blocks, diamond blocks, and dirt blocks. It was fun to make but it took a long time and it was tiring, so I took a nap on the couch and went to sleep.

When I woke up I realised that I wasn’t in my house I was in somebody else’s house! I didn’t know whose house it was, so I panicked. Suddenly something even worse was happening, hundreds of little pom-poms were coming towards me. When they got very close I realised they were actually four-legged green monsters in disguise. I knew these monsters were called creepers because I have played Minecraft before. I also knew that creepers blow up when they get close to you. Before I knew it, one of the creepers had gotten close to me and then, BOOM, it blew up. 

As the blast went off I felt myself falling through the air. I landed with a thump. I found myself in a very dark and quiet place. I was relieved I had survived the creepers blast and was safe from them but then I heard a scary noise. I didn’t know where it was coming from. I thought the place was a mine so I started to dig my way out. I wasn’t strong enough so I tried to find another way out. I asked myself ‘how did I get from my comfy bed to here?’ I closed my eyes and wished the magic that got me into Minecraft would get me out again. When I opened my eyes I was out of the mine but not Minecraft. I needed to find a way out of Minecraft and back home. 

The winter’s air was getting colder and snowflakes had started to fall gently on my face. I was getting cold. I walked and walked until I found a strange box that was green and white. I thought it was called an end-portal. I climbed up on top of the portal and it transported me inside. The first thing I saw was a huge dragon! The dragon was purple and had very big wings, it was very scary. I walked back slowly, and said to myself ‘I shouldn’t have come in here’. The dragon came closer and closer until IT ATE ME!! I was inside a dragon…. it was not fun. I didn’t know how I could get out, it was dark and scary in there. Snowflakes had begun to fall on the dragon’s nose, just as he went to lick one off his nose I jumped right out of his open mouth. He was so big and I was so small that he didn’t even notice me jump out and creep away. 

I didn’t know where I was, I knew I’d gone into the end-portal but what did that mean? I looked and looked but I couldn’t see anything so I walked until I found a little shop, inside was a big strong-looking man sleeping. He was snoring very loudly, and the shop was a mess. I accidentally stepped on one of the cereal boxes and the man woke up. He was very angry; he walked closer and closer until he was in front of me towering over me. He asked me if I wanted his shop because he didn’t want it anymore. I said “” because I was scared, but I shouldn’t have because he told me I had to keep it. I didn’t want to own a shop, I wanted to get back into my comfy bed, but there was no escape now because he had locked me in. I shouted and screamed but no one could hear me, I tried again and again but still no one could hear me. 

I pushed on the front door a thousand times and I finally got out, but the guy was still there so I had to stay hidden. After a few minutes he went away, but that meant I had to walk until I found something again and so that’s what I did. I found a small house that looked like the one I had built when I first entered Minecraft. It was mine! I walked inside and found another person inside. She was small and friendly, she asked me why I was in her house. I said to her that it wasn’t her house it was mine. She looked confused and wandered off. 

After the girl left my house I realised she had put a crafting table inside. I went closer to it and touched it, just at that time I remembered that if you touch a crafting table you can make things. I made a sword with a stick and two oak wood planks. I was desperate to get out of Minecraft and back home. I didn’t know if it would work, but I tried to break my way out of Minecraft with my sword. I found a wall and I started to hit it with my sword, some of it broke but the rest didn’t. I wasn’t getting anywhere, I felt so frustrated that I sat down and started to cry. I always imagined that it would be so much fun to be in Minecraft, but it was just hard. I noticed snowflakes falling again, but this time they were sparkly and glimmering. I wondered if they were magic. I closed my eyes and made a wish, I had never wished that hard before.

I opened my eyes and I was in my very comfy bed at last. I looked out the window and saw snowflakes falling, but I couldn’t figure out if it had all been a dream or it had really happened. All I knew was that I was safe and I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to play Minecraft again.


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