Saturday, August 8, 2015

The lost puppies ... by Hannah

Chapter 1

Once upon a time, there were three little puppies. Their names were Hannah, Will and Maddie.

Hannah was the eldest, she was 6 years old. Will was second, 4 years old. And Maddie was still a baby and was 2 years old. Hannah looked after her little brother and sister.

One sunny morning their mum said "you can play outside". So Hannah packed her bag. Inside there was 1 chocolate bar, 3 apples, 2 mandarins, 1 pear and 3 slices of watermelon.

Chapter 2

"Goodbye mum", "look after your brother and sister Hannah!" "Okay mum." And off they went.

They took off down the street with their bag of snacks.

After five minutes of walking, Hannah noticed she couldn't see the park yet. It was usually right around the corner. They had made a wrong turn and had reached a forest they had never seen before.

"Oh no! What will we do?"

"Well we could climb a tree and see the way" said Hannah. So they did. But it didn't work.

"I've got an idea" said Will, "we can keep on walking and we might find our way".

"Great idea!" said Hannah. So they kept on walking but suddenly they found themselves in a mountain.

"I'm hungry" said Maddie, "we only have one chocolate bar."

"Okay I'll wait."

"I want to go home" said Maddie. "What will we do now?"

 "I don't know" said Hannah.

Just then it started to snow. "I see snowflakes" said Maddie, "me too" said Hannah.

Chapter 3

"Where are we?" said Maddie,

"I think we're in the mountain and it's winter" said Hannah.

"Can I have the blanket you packed Hannah" said Will, "sure" said Hannah.

"I see a fairy with a pom pom bag, wings and rainbow magic."

"Hello" said the fairy, "do you want me to take you home? What I'll do is sprinkle some fairy dust and I will show you the way home," and she did.

Ten minutes later they could see home. When home they said "bye", the fairy said "bye" and they all lived happily ever after.

The end

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